Study Finds Women Want Men To Spend Half A Week’s Salary On Christmas Gifts

Hard to say what’s worse, commercialism during the Christmas season or during tough economic times. But the days of “It’s the thought that counts,” belong to yesteryear, according to a survey commissioned by the UK’s Golden Square Shopping Center. Results indicate women expect the men in their lives to spend half a week’s salary on their holiday gifts. In the UK, where the average annual salary for men is $49,415 in US dollars, that amounts to $475.

What this shows is that girls love to be treated like princess and spoiled,” founder Brandon Wade told the Daily Mail. “It might be a cliche, but the sexiest thing about a man to many women is his wallet. Women want to be pampered and they expect men to spend far more on them than they do on their men.”

Granted, the survey’s results must be taken with a grain of salt, considering the source. Golden Square Shopping Center can only gain by leading men to believe they will find themselves in the doghouse come Christmas Eve if they don’t splurge on an extravagant gift. So the question remains, do you take a stand against commercialism or risk her wrath?