101 Things You’ll Regret When You’re Older

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Regrets? I’ve had a few. But then again, fuck it.
A lot of people like to say they have no regrets in life, but that’s bullshit. If you’re trying to tell me you’ve never done or not done something you wish you hadn’t or had, then you’re either morally bankrupt, excruciatingly boring or (most likely) lying to yourself. Regret is a part of the human experience and should be embraced rather than ignored. I mean, hell, you haven’t lived unless you’ve hated yourself in the morning.
Still, we want to be able to write our mistakes off to temporary bad judgment rather than blatant stupidity, so when you hear that little voice in the back of your head warning you that something is a bad idea, you’ve got to know when to listen to it and when to gag it, tie it up and lock it in the closet. Sure, that guy is usually right, but sometimes he gets in the way of a good time.
When you get a little older, you might start looking back and reevaluating your choices a little, so here’s a list of some things you little bastards will probably come to regret if you’re lucky enough to make it to middle-age. You won’t be able to avoid all of them, but if you’re keeping a tally, try to keep it under 20 or so.
1. Procrastinating instead of just getting it done.
2. Not seeing the world when you had the chance.
3. Coasting through school instead of buckling down and working hard.
4. Not making enough friends, because it’s harder to do the older you get.
5. Getting that stupid fucking tattoo.
6. Smoking.
7. Staying in a bad relationship way past the point when you knew you were unhappy.