13 Ways To Look Like The Right Person For The Job
Whether you’re going to an interview for the position of a lifetime or just trying to convince a small-time hiring manager that you’re the world’s premier paper filer, these tips will give you the appearance of, well, whatever your potential boss wants to see.
1. Smile At Whatever They Tell You About The Work
It will look like you can’t even help yourself but display delight at the concept of your new dream job!
2. Wear the Right Clothes
If you’re trying to be a janitor, why not bring an effing mop? You’ll look ridiculously prepared.
3. Learn And Use Important Industry Buzzwords
Google them before you meet with the hiring manager. Then drop them like it ain’t no thing.
4. Repeat What You’re Hearing Like You Knew It Already
Whatever the person tells you about the job, rephrase it and echo it back at a later point in your conversation. This will make it sound like you knew precisely what you were getting into all along.
5. Add “Again” To The End Of Your Inquiries
“What was the name of your last CEO again…?” Then say, “Ah, of course!” when you’re told it was Barry Feinstein.
6. Nod A Lot

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This communicates that not only are you actively listening, but you’re also totally on board with the job’s potential responsibilities.
7. Bring A Folder With Stuff In It
Doesn’t matter what the stuff is. As long as you have it in a clean, possibly labeled folder, you will look legit when you lay it in on the table between you and the person assessing your capabilities.
8. Use A Trusted (and Versatile) Reference
Have someone who can think on his or her feet as your reference. You’ll want the person to be able to describe you excelling in a variety of roles at the drop of a hat.
9. Request The Right Beverage/Food If You’re Offered…
At an office where everyone looks really frazzled and is constantly heading towards the Keurig, say yes to some coffee. If everyone looks really low maintenance and has travel mugs they brought from home, just take some water.
10. Have A Firm Handshake
A typical fatherly piece of advice, the firm handshake communes across any professional realm.
11. Format More Than Just Your Resume
Your cover letter, writing samples, and whatever else you bring with should look as professionally crafted as you wish to become.
12. Find Similarities Between Yourself And The Employees Where You Want To Work

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Whether you both root for the same basketball team or both have the bad habit of biting your nails, any connections you can establish will make those at your desired place of work feel like you’ll fit right in there.
13. Tell Them
Simply saying, “I’m the best person for this job” will go a longer way than you might imagine. Not many people have the balls to say something like that, so whomever you’re talking to will figure you mean it.