30 Things Every Woman Working In The Corporate World Should Know
Women in corporate America have come a long way over the last few decades. Unfortunately, they haven’t come far enough and gender-driven preferential treatment still exists on a grand scale. The number of Fortune 500 companies with female CEOs is pitiful; the average salary of a working woman is woefully below that of her equally skilled male colleagues; and women are still feeling forced to eventually choose between family and their career.
Consider this your opportunity as a woman to step up to the challenge and be the most successful individual that you can be. 30 things every woman working in the corporate world should know:
1. Always be confident.
2. You are smarter than most of the people around you.
3. If you’re not smarter than most of the people around you, get to know them and learn from them.
4. Mini skirts were not made for the office.
4b. Forever 21 does not sell office attire. Dress appropriately.
5. Don’t apologize before making a statement, unless you’ve accidentally spilled some coffee or stepped on a toe.
6. Learn something about sports.
7. Have a hobby or a life outside the office.
8. Seek out multiple mentors, male AND female.
9. Don’t talk behind people’s backs.
10. Assume that everyone is talking about you behind your back.
11. For God’s sake, don’t sleep with the boss. Unless you’re engaged to him and then you should probably get a new job.
12. Remember that looks only get you so far.
13. But appearance does matter so keep yourself looking put together. And ditch the before/after work flip-flops already!
14. Always proceed with integrity. Don’t give anyone a reason to say something bad about you.
15. Apply for whatever job you want to have, regardless of whether you think you’re qualified on paper.
16. Big risk equals big reward. Shoot for the stars, sister!
17. Know what motivates you.
18. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and support you, even if they’re not on the same path as you. This is especially true of a life partners.
19. Immediately lose the toxic ones.
20. Understand that it’s okay to change your mind.
21. Be nice to the other women, even if they aren’t nice back.
22. Be proud of who you are.
23. Be a leader, not a follower. If you’re not a natural born leader, learn how to be one.
24. Work your tush off every day and then ask for more.
25. Exceed what is expected of you.
26. Ask for what you want. The worst thing that can happen is that you are told “no.” Then ask again.
27. Consider your communication strategies. What women say is often perceived differently
28. Stay true to yourself and your dreams.
29. You can have it all. Just make sure what that means to you is realistic.
30. Read a few books written by successful women. You will learn invaluable lessons and, at minimum, give yourself the opportunity to consider interesting perspectives.