50 TV Shows From The ’90s That We Wish Would Come Back
The ’90s were an awesome time for television. Sure, “Game Of Thrones” and “True Detective” are absolutely fantastic. They should be, right? Considering they make you pay extra money every month. But the ’90s had high quality shows on actual cable networks. You don’t really see that anymore. Unless of course you enjoy watching people remodel kitchens and/or seeing silicone laden housewives argue over who called who a b*tch first.
Go on and help yourself to a televised trip down memory lane. Just be ready for intense feelings of longing and nostalgia.
1. Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

Are You Afraid Of The Dark?
Every week the Midnight Society met at a top-secret wooded location to tell scary stories. The rules were simple. Whoever told the story got to sit in the stone chair and say, “Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this story…” and then throw a magic powder onto the fire. By the way, the stuff they threw on the fire was just non-dairy creamer.
2. Clarissa Explains It All

Clarissa Explains It All
Serving as a launching pad for Melissa Joan Hart, this show had a nice three-year run. It was pretty much propelled by Clarissa’s insightful witticisms as she dealt with all things teen: Dating, parents, even her nerdy little brother, Ferguson. Fortunately, she had Elvis the alligator and her super cool ladder-climbing neighbor Sam to vibe with.
3. Boy Meets World

Boy Meets World
An epic love saga based in good old Philadelphia. It’s like a lighter, less repressed version of the Wonder Years. Just to squash the rumors, Corey and Topanga aren’t married in real life – though it would be awesome if they were.
4. Salute Your Shorts

Salute Your Shorts
Who could forget the…? motley crew of Camp Anawanna: Sponge, Dina, Bobby Budnick, Donkeylips and, of course, the overly sun-screened counselor Ug.
5. My So Called Life

My So Called Life
No show has ever captured teen angst quite like this one. Definitely not your classic cookie cutter sitcom, the show explored darker topics like child abuse, teen alcoholism and homophobia, among others. I like to pretend this is the back story to Claire Danes’ character in “Homeland.”
6. Saved By The Bell

Saved By The Bell
No explanation needed.
7. The Secret World Of Alex Mack

The Secret World Of Alex Mack
Originally airing on SNICK, this show replaced “Clarissa Explains it All.” Alex Mack was an ordinary girl who was almost hit by a truck and inadvertently drenched with a top-secret chemical, GC-161. The chemical gave her powers of telekinesis, shooting electricity from her fingers and morphing into a liquid form, which always left her naked for some reason. Chemistry, I guess.
8. Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210
This decade-long series focused on the fabricated tribulations of Beverly Hills’ upper crust.
9. Doug

A strong cartoon if there ever was one. Doug is a coming-of-age tale of an 11-year-old boy with a strong imagination. When he isn’t avoiding the green bully that is Roger Klotz, Doug enjoys chilling with his homie Skeeter and crushing on Patti Mayonnaise. He’s also the one and only fan of “The Beets.”
10. Melrose Place

Melrose Place
A mutated version of 90210 that evolved into a full blown soap opera. Not saying I didn’t watch it, ‘cause I did.
11. Nickelodeon’s Guts

Don’t tell anyone but I actually have a piece of the Aggro Crag.
12. Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Sabrina The Teenage Witch
Melissa Joan Hart scores again! She’s a regular teenage girl, but she’s a witch. Instant classic.
13. Keenan and Kel

Keenan And Kel
This show was set in Chicago and was propelled by the antics of teenagers Kenan Rockmore and Kel Kimble. The closing scene was always Kenan plotting a new scheme. He’d ask Kel to gather a bunch of random items and meet him somewhere. Kel, suffering from an acute orange soda withdrawal, would then exclaim, “Aww here it goes!”
14. Rocko’s Modern Life

Rocko’s Modern Life
This sometimes dark and subversive cartoon featured the trials and tribulations of Rocko, the Australian kangaroo who immigrated to America. Living in O-Town, Rocko is constantly pushed around by the evil mega corporation Conglom-o while dealing with the problems of his wildly strange friends, Heffer the cow and the paranoid turtle Filburt.
15. Family Matters

Family Matters
A key component of ABC’s TGIF programming, Family Matters held significant ratings for quite some time, though it should have just been called “Urkel.” Without him there was nothing. Oops. Did I do that?
16. The Adventures Of Pete & Pete

The Adventures Of Pete & Pete
This is one of those shows that you have to go back and watch as an adult. Most of the content was over our heads while we were just crappy pants youngsters. It’s basically the adventures of two brothers with the same exact name who face the troubles of a surreal suburban town.
17. Weird Science

Weird Science
Two geeky guys use their computer to build a dream woman who can grant wishes. Don’t know that I ever would have watched this if it wasn’t for the illustrious artificial babe Lisa, played by Vanessa Angel.
18. Sweet Valley High

Sweet Valley High
Based on the hit book series, the show revolved around two beautifully blonde twin sisters. One was the good girl; the other was the bad girl. Hi-jinx ensued.
19. Hey, Dude

Hey, Dude
It’s a little wild and little strange. When you make a home out on the range. Start your horse and come along. But you can’t get a ride if you can’t hold on. Yippy Ki Yi Yaaaay! Great show about a divorced dad who leaves a high pressure NYC job and buys a ranch. Just watch out for those killer cacti.
20. Arthur

Based off the popular children’s books, written and Illustrated by Marc Brown, the show chronicled the the adventures of an anthropomorphic aardvark who was always doing the right thing. If Ren & Stimpy was the devil on your shoulder telling you to do something bad, this show was the angel on the other side.
21. Eureeka’s Castle

Eureeka’s Castle
Little known fact about this show: R.L. Stein (Creator of Goosebumps series) co-created it and was the head writer. It was pretty much a cooler version of Sesame Street. It taught you how to count and didn’t get all preachy.
22. All That

Nickelodean/All That
This is the sketch comedy show that ruled SNICK for years. They had the Good Burger, the French guy in the bathtub, and a bunch of other classics. You need to make a big round of sound for this one.
23. Wild & Crazy Kids

Nickelodean/Wild & Crazy Kids
This show was a treat. It was an outdoor game show where teams of children participated in head-to-head physical challenges to win some sort of prize. Probably a trip to Orlando studios if I had to guess.
24. Home Improvement

Home Improvement
Who could forget the show that launched Tim Allen’s career of playing Santa Clause forever? Apparently that Oh, Oh, Oh grunt on “Tool Time” was just practice for his later roles.
25. Friends

This is one of those shows that was impossible not to watch in the 90’s. It was just on all the time.
26. Disney’s Adventures Of The Gummi Bears

Disney’s adventures Of The Gummi Bears
This cartoon was more or less the Care Bears placed in medieval times. The Gummi bears were sweet and generally harmless. Though every now and again they’d have to turn up and drink their secret Gummiberry juice, which helped them bounce and evade their foes. Why did I love this show so much?
27. Ren & Stimpy

Ren & Stimpy
Believe it or not there were some kids who weren’t allowed to watch this one. The crude, off-color comedy caused great tension between the creators and Nickelodeon and resulted in the network being way more careful in the future. Awesome show though.
28. Muppet Babies

Muppet Babies
This show addressed the question: Who raised the Muppets before Jim Henson created them in his mind? Apparently a towering faceless nanny with a pink skirt, purple sweater and green and white striped socks. It’s also kinda creepy thinking about how Miss Piggy always wanted Kermit, even as a baby.
29. Fraggle Rock

Fraggle Rock
Another fine Jim Henson creation. At times I still fantasize about giving it all up and moving to Fragglerock. But, then I realize it’s not real and get wickedly depressed…
30. Hey Arnold

Nickelodean/Hey Arnold
The story of a boy with a football-shaped head who lived with his grandparents in the big city.
31. The X-Files

The X Files
Agents Mulder and Scully ruled TV for a straight decade. Mulder, the far out alien chaser, and Scully, the down-to-earth doctor, faced the unknown on a daily basis. The truth is still out there.
32. Blossom

Never really saw this one. I just remember the girls of my fifth-grade class talking about it all the time. They seemed to like it.
33. Unhappily Ever After

Unhappily Ever After
This was the show with that talking bunny who always sat on the couch.
34. Daria

A popular spinoff of “Beavis and Butthead,” Daria satirized high school and American culture. Mike Judge had nothing to do with this show. He probably knew it would only disappoint true B&B fans.
35. Rugrats

Who could forget Tommy Pickles and the gang? Playing with Reptar while avoiding the wrath of the evil Angelica was no easy task.
36. Animaniacs

Warner Brother Studios/Animaniacs
Why not?
37. Gargolyes

These mythical stone-by-day, fly-by-night creatures were shipped to NYC from Scotland and must do whatever it takes to save the city. So much cooler than Batman!
38. Care Bears

Care Bears
These guys were all about love. Living up in the clouds in the Kingdom of Caring they always worked together to stop evil in the world.
39. Sister Sister

Sister, Sister
This was a nice, light-hearted romp about two twin sisters who were separated at birth. Upon reuniting they bring their two single parents together for one wild ride!
40. Clueless

This show was a spin-off from a movie that was inspired by a book. Never quite reached a great deal of commercial success but it did, however, find a special place in all of our hearts.
41. Legends of the Hidden Temple

Nickelodean/Legends Of The Hidden Temple
Six teams fought to retrieve the “ancient” (foam) artifacts by performing physical stunts and answering history-based trivia question,all while avoiding the scary Mayan guards.
42. Nickelodeon Arcade

Nickelodean Arcade
This is that game show you always wanted to be on. I still can’t figure out how they got those kids inside of the video game. How were they so advanced back then, and why isn’t that technology in my house now? It’s been like 20 years! Forget the iPhone 6, give me a Nick Arcade.
43. Seinfeld

The King Daddy of all sitcom TV. This show was so popular that it still pervades our small talk to this day. It goes weather, current events, and then old Seinfeld episodes in the order.
44. The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air

NBC/Fresh Prince Of Bel Air
It would be awesome to pick this back up. Will could get all up in Uncle Phil’s face and be like “Look at me now Unk! I bought all the houses in this neighborhood! I am your neighbors!” Or something like that…
45. Full House

Full House
Rumor has it the Olsen twins were actually born on this set and no one knows who their real father is.
46. Martin

This show had a fantastic amount of success during its five-year run on FOX’s Thursday-night lineup. Of course, the sexual harassment case filed by female co-star Tisha Campbell towards the end of the last season may have made things a bit uncomfortable. Martin, you so crazy!
47. Step-By-Step

Step By Step
All I remember is Suzanne Somers making me feel feelings that I didn’t know I had.
48. Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy Summers was just your average high school girl—who just so happened to slay ancient evil beings. Great show.
49. Who’s The Boss?

Who’s The Boss
Tony Danza starred as a retired baseball player who takes a job in an upscale Connecticut community so he can give his daughter a better environment to grow up in. In case you were wondering, Tony Danza is still the man.
50. Dinosaurs!

Another fine Jim Henson creation, Dinosaurs followed the lives of the Sinclair family. Who knew dinos had so much in common with us today? Knock-a-momma!
That’s it! Oh, and if I missed any shows that you think should have been on the list, please email all questions and concerns to SorryButIDontReallyCare@writeurownlist.com