Stacy’s Mom Has Got It Going On: Bra Company Introduces MILF Campaign For Mother’s Day
When you hear the phrase “M.I.L.F,” you’re apt to think of American Pie. Or maybe selected branches of the porn industry. Possibly even the 2003 single by Fountains of Wayne. Regardless, if you’re familiar with the phrase, you know what it stands for: “Mother I’d Love to Fuck.”
But soon, many more women will possibly know the acronym with a different translation: “Mom I’d Like to Fit.”
American-born lingerie retailer True & Co has repurposed the provocative letters to brand their new bra-fitting service. The new campaign invites women to “Be a MILF (Mom I’d Like to Fit) and get the natural lift you and your girls deserve,” and even offers temporary “MILF” tattoos with each bra order, for a limited time.
“The term brings to mind pervy frat boys,” the company acknowledged on their blog, “but who says they should own an acronym?”

Image via True & Co
In celebration of Mother’s Day, the San Francisco-based company asked people to send photos of their moms for their online “MILF Gallery,” and a winner will be chosen for a $100 “bra makeover.” (I’m sure that’s a gallery my mother would love to be featured in.)
However, perhaps not surprisingly, the ad campaign hasn’t flown smoothly with its target audience. Both the company’s Facebook and Twitter profiles have been under siege from customers unhappy with the new product branding.
“HUGE advertising FAIL,” wrote Facebook user Lisa Liddick. “Sorry, but the original meaning of those letters will never change so you might want to think twice on this one.”
Another user, Carolyn Fraser, echoed those sentiments. “Your ‘MILF’ campaign is disgusting, misogynistic and humiliates the women you are trying to encourage,” she wrote.
But on its blog, the company is standing by its bold move. “We meant the pun and we meant it in good fun,” the site states. “We think there’s nothing objectifying about a woman owning her sexuality.”
The campaign launched just over a day ago, so it remains to be seen whether it can weather the storm of female protests until Mother’s Day (May 12).
“We celebrate empowerment,” True & Co says. “Embrace your individual body type and love what’s underneath, whether you’re a mom, a daughter, a sister, anyone.”