This Australian Soccer Player Never Saw It Coming (Video)

Soccer, or football as the rest of the world calls it, is not really known as a violent game. Sure, there’s the occasional kick or stomp, but nothing quite like this:
During a match between the Brisbane Wolves Football Club and Peninsula Power FC, Kado Aoci of the Wolves looked like he had a clear path to the goal. However, Peninsula defender Luke Gauci took him out with a vicious clothesline.
It turns out that clotheslining your opponent as he is about to dribble past you is not allowed. Personally, I love how the clothesliner stays down on the ground and pretends to care about the guy he just knocked unconscious. “I swear, I just wanted to slow him down, I didn’t mean to knock him the hell out!” Soccer players are known for being dramatic floppers, but this dude is almost definitely knocked out cold.