10 Of The Funniest Government Shutdown Tweets
I’d sure hate to be the veteran who was planning on taking out a loan to finance a trip to the national park. Luckily for me I’m just a regular dude and the shutdown is nothing more than a big proverbial pinata for me and my twitter homies to swing at all day long. #shutdown
I just saw a tumbleweed blow through Ted Cruz's ego. #governmentshutdown
— Chip Chantry (@ChipChantry) October 1, 2013
Why couldn't the main characters also die in the series finale of the House of Representatives?
— Tim Butterly (@timbutterly) October 1, 2013
Throw away your money. Baseball cards from the 80's are now the official currency. #shutdown #governmentofBrendan
— Brendan Eyre (@EyreBud) October 1, 2013
If the government can shut down so can I. #naptime
— Paul Virzi (@PaulVirzi) October 1, 2013
The government shuts down, we learn we miss it, then try to catch it before it makes its flight to express our love in "Shut Down Shut Down"
— The People’s Gantt (@SidneyGantt) October 1, 2013