15 Of The Weirdest Japanese Ads Starring Hollywood Celebrities

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Being a Hollywood celebrity means having global recognition — and with that comes some major social influence. If you think you’re the only one who totally runs to the store to buy whatever your favorite celeb is endorsing, you’re definitely not. It turns out the Japanese are also quite the fans of our favorite A-listers — so much so that they’ll dole out big bucks to book star celebs in one of their super dramatic and weird adverts. Here are 15 celebs you had no idea had such social wielding power in Japan… and the weird ads that feature them:

1. Ben Stiller for Kirin Beer

2. Cindy Crawford for Pocari Sweat

3. Keanu Reeves for Suntory Whiskey

4. Bruce Willis for Eneos Credit Card

5. James Brown for Nissin Miso Soup

6. Leo Dicaprio for Orico Credit Card

7. Arnold Schwarzenegger for Some Drink

8. Brad Pitt for Soft Bank

9. Tommy Lee Jones for Boss Coffee

10. Hulk Hogan for BigFlow Air Conditioner

11. Natalie Portman for Lux Hair

12. Celine Dion for Edion Corp.

13. Madonna for…Circuses?

14. Ronald McDonald’s “Daughter”….

15. Britney Spears for Suki Candy