25 Great Things About Being A Single Guy

That Awkward Moment

So you don’t have a girlfriend, huh? Maybe you just went through a nasty breakup, maybe the search for Ms. Right is taking a lot longer than you thought, or hell, maybe you’ve never had a long-term relationship in your life — I don’t know. But you’re all by yourself, and you’re feeling down about it. Well, stop moping, asshole. The world hasn’t ended. In fact, a new one has just opened up.

There are a lot of advantages to being with somebody — the companionship, the guaranteed sex, being part of a team, having someone to share your hopes and dreams with and all that good stuff. So when we find ourselves without a better half, we’re pretty well-programmed to start looking for another person to fill that void and elevate our sense of self-worth. But that’s a sucker’s game. Loneliness can easily translate into desperation, and when you come off as desperate, you’re only going to attract other desperate people; that’s a recipe for disaster. You don’t need to be in a relationship. You don’t even have to want one. Focus on yourself for a while.

Nobody wants to be alone forever, but everybody should try it for anywhere from a few months to a few years. There are a lot of pros to being single, and you should be taking advantage of every single one of them. So stop telling your friends there’s a difference between being alone and being lonely or whatever bullshit you say to help you sleep at night and start embracing your single status for what it is: freedom.

Read the list at VOICED.com