Creator Of Revenge Porn Site Not Worried About Lawsuits As Long As Cash Keeps-A-Coming
Craig Brittain, owner of Web site, may want a refresher on the seven deadlies—because he’s breaking at least three of them. Brittain says he could care less his “revenge porn” site posts explicit photos of women without their permission as long as he’s making money. Currently, he told CBS, he’s making about $3,000 a month off the site, although he faces a number of lawsuits from women who say they’ve been exploited.
“I call it entertainment,” Brittain said. “We don’t want anyone shamed or hurt. We just want the pictures there for entertainment purposes and business. I would say our business goal is to become big and profitable.” features hundreds of pornographic photographs with detailed information about the woman they depict, including their names and phone numbers. The site offers cash rewards for any person who can provide additional information about the featured women. It also allows women to pay $250 to have their photos removed. It is one of many “revenge porn” Web sites that exploit women to make money. The sites earn the moniker “revenge porn” because the images are generally submitted by ex-lovers.
Brittain says he is protected by freedom of speech laws, and he has no plans to shut down his operation.
When asked whether he thought what he was doing was ‘really sleazy,’ Brittain replied, “We live in a really sleazy society.“
Although the Web site refers the featured woman to contact attorney David Blad III to have their photos removed for the site, there are no records of an attorney by that name. Brittain, however, denies he is posing as the lawyer to collect the $250 take-down fees. If he were to be found doing so, he could face charges of extortion and impersonation.
So where does Brittain stand? Lust—check. Greed—check. Wrath—well the site does post “revenge” porn, check. Pride—probably. No evidence to show he’s committed sloth, envy or gluttony, but hey, why stop when you’re ahead, eh?