Doettling’s Fortress – World’s Most Secure Luxury Safe
Dubbed the Fortress, Doettling has designed the world’s safest luxury safe for those that need the ultimate protection for their finer goods.
The safe is available in security classes VdS/EN 3 all the way up to VdS/EN 5 — almost an unheard-of security rating — and offers, under certain configurations, up to $1 million in insurance coverage.

Image via Doettling
The interior of the safe was specially designed for the ultra-wealthy, and the company is only offering a limited edition of ten plans per security class. So, aside from that $1 million security coverage, what makes it so special you ask?
The Fortress features include:
- Eight watch winders individually controlled by an integrated control system providing a direction setting and a configurable rotational setting
- A humidor made from Spanish cedar including an electronic humidifying system with a hygrometer and a barometer
- Colosimo two-door safe (Yes, a safe within a safe) which includes space for an additional six watches on precision rotators
- Exterior upholstered with posh quilted calfskin
- Wempe Zeitmeister clock
The safe will set you back a minimum of $128,000. I couldn’t get Doettling on the phone to comment on delivery times, but I imagine for $128,000 customers won’t have to wait too long. The safe is available for order in a variety of color combinations and configurations, and features are configurable if consumers require a little something extra.