Entrepreneurial Lessons We Can Learn From The Pilgrims

From the time that I was a child, I have heard stories about the Pilgrims and their monumental contribution to our country. Especially around Thanksgiving time, those stories are brought back to my attention and I reflect on what their example means to me personally. While the day and time that we are living in now is extremely different than the world that they faced, the challenges seem to hold some parallels to one another. So, in honor of those that began the Thanksgiving tradition for America, here are a few life lessons that an entrepreneur can learn from the Pilgrims.
Get Outside the Box
One thing that especially stands out to me is that the Pilgrims pushed against the known customs, beliefs, and ambitions of their day. From our place in the future, it is hard to imagine what they must have faced in leaving their home and their livelihood. Say what you will, but they were stronger than most…and had courage within them to think outside the box of the known. As entrepreneurs, we should try to follow this example. Instead of conforming to what those around us have always done, we should step up to the challenge of bravery and launch out. Who knows what changes we could effect that will be celebrated for all of history.
Risk & Sacrifice
While many would consider risk and sacrifice to be two separate things, the Pilgrims proved that they belong together. Risk, in most cases, is nothing more than a sacrifice. Whether you are talking money, safety, or future plans, taking a risk means you are willing to sacrifice something. The bigger the risk, the more of a sacrifice is required. As entrepreneurs, we are often faced with risk and sacrifice of our current job, our reputation, and our dreams. While we can’t just go running off haphazardly into the sunset following every whim that the wind blows our way, things that really mean something to us should be followed. The Pilgrims chose to risk and sacrifice nearly everything for a future that they wholeheartedly believed in. As an entrepreneur, I can totally relate.
While it may not sound that important, being thankful is probably the biggest lesson that one can learn from the Pilgrims. Sometimes I think entrepreneurs spend their lives in high gear, constantly looking for the next deal or business idea, and can forget to be thankful for what they have accomplished. While I truly believe that entrepreneurs should always continue to grow, advance, and dream bigger, we should be smart enough to enjoy the ride as well. Don’t stop moving forward, but always be thankful of where you are at today.
So, as you prepare to spend time with your family and friends this Thanksgiving, I challenge you to consider a quote made by William Bradford, governor of Plymouth Plantation. He said “All great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.”
Happy Thanksgiving.