If It Weren’t For This Dog, This Adorable Two-Day-Old Kitten May Not Have Lived

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Imgur user LiaLiaBoBiaBananaFannaFoFiaMeMiMoMiaLIA recently adopted a kitten in an unconventional way.
Her puppy Opie found the little guy in a field behind their apartment. The two-day-old kitten was stuck under a log and covered in maggots, and Opie wouldn’t leave without him.

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A nice bath and a visit to an emergency vet did wonders for the kitten, named Roscoe.

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His rescuer (we’ll assume her name is Lia) made a cozy nesting box for him to sleep in.

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Here are Lia and Roscoe together.

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Roscoe started opening his eyes when he was around 10 days old.

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Because he was so tiny, he was still eating replacement milk from a syringe.

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Roscoe’s showing off his tummy after a feeding.

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Then he’d go back to his nesting box to rest with a pink bunny toy.

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Both his eyes were open by the time he was two weeks old.

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Here he is around 2.5 weeks old, relaxing after a meal.

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At this point his eyes had been open a week, but it’s the first time he seemed to recognize Lia.

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At three weeks old, Roscoe was able to start drinking from a tiny bottle.

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He started showing off his playful side.

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By four weeks old, he had mastered the art of escaping from his playpen.

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Here’s Roscoe cuddling up to his savior, Opie.

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Like any good cat, he stopped his mom from studying.

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Roscoe made some canine friends.

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But he still preferred Opie over anyone else.

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Here are the two brothers together, both looking happy and healthy.

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And here’s Roscoe at 16 weeks old.

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