Instagram Photos No Longer Compatible with Twitter

Twitter and Instagram just can’t get along, and it’s the users who are paying the price. Twitter announced today its users will no longer be able to view full Instagram photos on its site, but says the photo-sharing issues are Instagram’s fault.

Twitter users noticed Instagram photos oddly placed or cropped poorly, prompting a flood of complaints to both services. Twitter responded with a status post, saying Instagram had changed its Twitter integration.

Users are experiencing issues with viewing Instagram photos on Twitter,” the latter social network said. “This is due to Instagram disabling its Twitter cards integration and as a result, photos are being displayed using a pre-cards experience. So when users click on Tweets with an Instagram link, photos appear cropped.

Instagram co-founder and chief executive Kevin Systrom confirmed the change with his own statement.

A handful of months ago, we supported Twitter cards because we had a minimal Web presence,” Systrom said. “We’ve since launched several improvements to our Web site that allow users to directly engage with Instagram content through likes, comments, hashtags, and now we believe the best experience is for us to link back to where the content lives.

Surely the change could have nothing to do with Instagram’s April purchase by Twitter competitor Facebook, right? Mark Zuckerberg himself posted at the time of the Instagram acquisition that “other services beyond Facebook (are) an important part of the (Instagram) experience” and that there were no plans to eliminate those features.

[Image via Instagram]