Kanye West Gets Autographed Steve Jobs Mouse As Late Father’s Day Gift

Image via Twitter/Kanye West

On Monday, 36-year-old rapper Kanye West tweeted a photo of a late Father’s Day gift given to him by girlfriend and media mogul Kim Kardashian: a set of old Apple mice signed by Steve Jobs and Apple co-founder and Steve Wozniak.


West has expressed his interest in Jobs’ and his innovative work aesthetic, which prompted Kardashian to arrange a personal meeting with Wozniak and the rapper for his birthday, following the birth of daughter North “Nori” West.

Wozniak discussed the meeting on CNN’s Piers Morgan Live, saying, “I have seen a lot of babies, and a baby represents the love between the people and that meant more to me and the love that Kim was showing Kanye. Just because he was interested in technology and companies, she, as a birthday present, had me come up there to meet him.”

In an extensive interview with the New York Times earlier in June, West compared himself to the liking of the late Steve Jobs. “I think what Kanye West is going to mean is something similar to what Steve Jobs means,” said West. “I am undoubtedly, you know, Steve of Internet, downtown, fashion, culture. Period. By a long jump. I honestly feel that because Steve has passed, you know, it’s like when Biggie passed and Jay-Z was allowed to become Jay-Z.”

Judging by his comments, Kardashian gave him a gift right up his alley. According to ABC, autographed Steve Jobs memorabilia ranges from $200—$6,000, but we’re sure it’s not about the money.

“Unbelievable that a woman would do that,” said Wozniak. “Kardashian scheduling a meeting between himself and the rapper. “I mean I just think she is doing everything she can to show her love to a man.”