Life Goes On


Ever had one of those days when life was just shitty? Maybe it was because your team lost the game, maybe it had to do with your spouse cheating, or maybe it was all because a business deal or client account fell through? Whatever the problem, situation, or circumstance, we have all been there before. We have all had those moments when it seemed like life was kicking our ass at every turn…and that things couldn’t get much worse.

But what about the days when the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and all is right with the universe? The days when luck is on your side, love is in the air, and you simply can’t be beaten? No matter who you are, you have had a few of those days too. While it may not be fair, and it certainly isn’t fun, life brings ups and downs, goods and bads, highs and lows. Sometimes you just have to learn how to roll with the punches.

I like the quote by Robert Frost that says, “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” Why is this so true? Because no matter how bad it gets, tomorrow is a new day full of new opportunities. If you don’t like where you are at today, wait around awhile…it will surely change.

As I look back on the last few years of my life, I almost am tempted to laugh at the things that I worried about and that I wasted precious time and resources on. Things that really only mattered for a brief moment, but that seemed so immense and heavy on my mind in that moment. I once heard someone say that life is what you make of it, and it seems that many of us, myself included, make life entirely too complicated at times.

We try to hold on and prolong the moments that make us feel great and rush through the days that bring us down. We stress out and lose sleep over the way things are or have been, instead of going to bed…and waking up…with a new vision of the future. How many times have we, as a society, sat and cried over petty problems, convincing ourselves that this was “the end”?

While entrepreneurship is often only associated with business and such, having an entrepreneurial spirit really affects your entire life. The same driving force that innovates technologies, builds companies from the ground up, and changes the course of life as we know it can also be called upon to overcome the down days of life. This entrepreneur mindset will cause you…even in your darkest hour…to wipe your tears away, grab hold of any small hope that exists, and use it to propel yourself into the brightest days that life has to offer.

Because life really does go on. Things really do change. Every bit of what we see today is just a small chapter in the big storybook that is your life. What you have to decide, though, is if you will embrace the changes that come along…knowing that everyday gives you a chance to change the way the storyline is going…or if you will let a few depressing chapters get the best of you and cause you to give up.

Sure, some things are harder to conquer, tougher to win, and a bigger battle to fight than others, but what else have you got to do anyway? You are going to spend your time on this earth doing something, so you might as well make it the something’s that matter. Life moves quickly…and it always moves on…shouldn’t we at least be smart enough to do the same?

So whether you are having an up, dealing with a down, or struggling somewhere in between, know that this isn’t the end. Life will go on.

[Image via Shutterstock]