Nine Percent Of Yale Students Are Hos… Except They’re Not

Media has been abuzz since the Drudge Report picked up a story earlier today asserting 10 percent of Yale students have been paid for sex. It may have made for an eye-catching headline, but the truth is, the article is pure sensationalism. While a survey was conducted among a group of Yale students, and 9 percent of them admitted to having been paid for sex, the study group only consisted of 40 people. And those 40 students happened to attend a Saturday workshop taught by a sexologist and designed to help them “reconsider their idea of normal” sex. So even that small group can’t be considered a good sample of the student population. Think about it. What college students are most likely to attend a sex workshop on the weekend? Those who aren’t getting any and those who are a little bit on the adventurous side.
Now that we’ve established that the survey results are pretty much bunk, let’s go ahead and take a look at them… because they’re still fun. And we’ll break down the percentages reported in the media based on the group of 40 to show just how insignificant they are.
We’ve already established 9 percent have hoed themselves out—or maybe they have a pimp, who knows. But 9 percent in this scenario is only 4 students. And a horrifying 3 percent have engaged in bestiality. OK, so that is gross even if it was just one student, and it was probably some sort of hazing to get into Skull and Bones, but still… yuck.
Twenty-two percent of students surveyed were reportedly virgins. So nine of the workshop attendees were hoping to get some pointers on how to get some… Didn’t I tell you to keep in mind the demographic that would even attend a university sex workshop? Because more than half of those present said they have engaged in a little S&M… but still, that big ol’ 52 percent is just 21 students.
The workshop itself is pretty interesting stuff. It was apparently designed to explore masochistic sexual practices a la “50 Shades of Grey,” and was part of series of sex-themed events held on the Yale campus during a three-day “Sex Weekend.” That’s some fascinating stuff. Even if it’s not as catchy as saying 10 percent of Yale students are a bunch of hookers.