One Dad Is Completely Honest On A Questionnaire About His 11-Month-Old Daughter’s Strengths And Interests

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Kids say the darndest things. And even before they can even say anything, some kids have their parents speaking on their behalf. So when one clever father was asked a series of questions about his infant daughter’s life, he decided to be (almost) completely honest. Reddit user JesadBellic explained, “When daycare, completely seriously, asks my friend to answer stupid questions on behalf of his 11 month old daughter, it is inevitable that stupid answers is what they’ll receive.”
A quick snapshot of Emma: She has a knack for slapstick comedy and rapid digestion, likes long yells on the beach, and would one day like to walk and to acquire a Ph.D. in theoretical physical cosmology.
The response is a big hit with daycare workers. One person who works in a nursery noted, “Your friend would be our favourite parent.”