Oreo Best Capitalizes On Super Bowl Blackout
The Ravens may have won the Super Bowl, but Nabisco is being touted as the winner of the Super Bowl blackout marketing campaign. During a power outage that lasted 34 minutes and left half of the Super Dome in darkness, numerous companies quickly capitalized on the occurrence through social media campaigns and online ads. According to Twitter, conversation about the power outage peaked at 231,500 Tweets per minute, totaling 3 million Tweets on the topic during the course of the evening.
Nabisco combined timeliness and humor to create a simple yet contrived image for an online Oreo advertisement posted to Twitter. “You can still dunk in the dark,” caught on quickly among Twitterers, and was Retweeted 14,600 times by Monday morning.
Power out? No problem. pic.twitter.com/dnQ7pOgC
— OREO Cookie (@Oreo) February 4, 2013
Tide also quickly designed an online ad it posted to Twitter. “We can’t get your blackout. But we can get your stains out,” the company claimed, garnering about 1,300 Retweets.
We can't get your #blackout, but we can get your stains out. #SuperBowl #TidePower pic.twitter.com/JpQBRvjf
— Tide (@tide) February 4, 2013
Walgreens humorously Tweeted about the blackout, telling Twitter followers, “We do carry candles,” a status that was Retweeted more than 3,300 times. “We also sell lights,” the retail pharmacy followed.