Study: Condoms Don’t Make Sex Less Enjoyable??


Men and women enjoy sex as much with condoms as without? What the fuck ever. We all know condoms are important, and it’s a BAD idea to dip your wick without jimmying up first. It doesn’t matter how hot the piece is, you don’t know what kind of crud may have been up in there last time, right?

But researchers say men and women aged 18 to 49 rated sex with condoms “highly arousing and pleasurable.” It’s true. According to a study at Indiana University’s School of Public Health-Bloomington, participants rated sex with condoms equally pleasurable to sex without.

This may be because men are more likely than women to purchase condoms and to apply condoms,” said study leader Debby Herbenick. “However, its important for more women to become familiar with the condoms they use with their partner so that they can make choices that enhance the safety and pleasure of their sexual preferences.

The same study found men had no trouble maintaining erections when putting on condoms. Huh? Ok, so I’m no dude, but I’ve been with my husband 13 years and we weren’t married that whole time… condoms are no fun. Major mood killer.

Herbenick said the study will help re-enforce the importance of condoms in preventing sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, chlamydia and syphilis, as well as unintended pregnancies. Ok, she has a point there. That’s why people use them. But don’t act like they’re fun and no one knows the difference. Come on now, was this study sponsored by Trojan or something?

So, moral of the story. Condoms are very important in the fight against HIV and other STDs. They prevent pregnancy. People should use them. But don’t insult our intelligence and tell us we can’t tell the difference.