Swedish Luxury Hotel Hotel Is Accepting Social Media Followers Instead Of Money

Sweden’s Nordic Light Hotel knows that these days, social media is like gold, and that’s exactly how the Stockholm hotel is treating it.
The size of hotel guests’ social media networks will allow them to receive a discounted stay ranging from 5 percent off to 100 percent off a standard room for one or two people. The discounts are contingent upon guests making social media posts about the hotel, of course; they must share a Facebook post mentioning the Nordic Light website and Facebook page when they make a reservation, check in and check out. They also must like the Nordic Light Hotel (on Facebook, that is; guests are presumably free to dislike the hotel in real life) and tag themselves as being there at check-in and check-out.
Nordic Light’s policy also includes Instagram. Guests seeking a discount are required to share a post at check-in and check-out in which they tag the hotel (#nordiclighthotel). If these rules aren’t followed, their discount will be cancelled.
You can stay at Nordic Light Hotel for up to seven nights a year using this social media discount, which also doubles as free advertising for the hotel. However, you need to have a certain number of followers on your social media accounts in order to reap the benefits of the system. According to Nordic Light’s website, 5,000 Instagram followers will get you a 5 percent discount; 10,000 will get you a 10 percent discount; 15,000 will get you a 15 percent discount, and 100,000 scores you a free night. The Facebook rules are similar: 500 friends equals a 5 percent discount, 1,000 friends a 10 percent discount, etc. Someone with 2,000 private friends or 100,000 fans gets a free night.
Be warned: Anyone without the correct amount of fans, followers and friends may be charged the full price for their hotel room. With standard room prices for the next two months topping out at 1,632 Swedish krona per night (about $217), you might want to make sure you have the right number of Internet friends before booking a room.