Taco Bell Applicant ‘Thinks Outside The Bun’

Image via Flickr/ Larry McCombs
Can a sense of humor get your hired? Of course hire-ability can always vary depending on the position, a one-of-a-kind application is generally a good start. And one Taco Bell applicant’s submission was definitely unique. When asked how he heard about Taco Bell, he wrote the following:
“I was lost one night, and in the distance I spotted a purple bell, and I thought to myself, think outside the bun. So I ran to your doors and asked for the cheesiest gordita crunch you could make. I was not disappointed.”

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A photo of the application showed up on Reddit May 24 and quickly went viral. The candidate was described as the brother of a Reddit editor’s girlfriend. Not only did he vividly describe his first experience with the fast food chain, but he listed his desired salary as “minimum wage,” leading some to doubt the intent of the application. Others defended it, saying fast-food workers can’t have much expectation to earn a higher wage. Still others recognized the potential of the anonymous applicant.
“He’s a straight shooter with upper management written all over him,” Reddit user Robotizer wrote, quoting a well-known line from the cult-classic “Office Space.”
Meanwhile, Happyplace.com questioned the applicant’s state of mind:
“The only part of this application that worries us when it comes to his chances is that his story makes him sound really, really stoned,” wrote an author for the Web site.
Perhaps the applicant was familiar with remarks Taco Bell president Brian Niccol made in March when speaking to a crowd gathered at the 2013 Intersport Activation Summit. Niccol discussed the importance of authenticity.
“Very rarely do we operate in the space where we say, ‘You know what, I’m going to treat this like a fan member. I’m going to treat this in such a way that people want to talk about it again and again and again’,” Niccol said. “Authenticity is now the absolute minimum cost of entry.”
Well, Niccol, what do you think of this kid? Based off of authenticity alone, he definitely should have been hired.