Tantric Sex: The Dream Of Every Woman (And Sting)

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Ladies, dream with me here. Your man walks into the house after his usual stressful workday, and instead of heading to the fridge to pop open a beer and flop on the couch as so often is the American custom, he immediately directs his full attention to you.

Without a word he sweeps you up and carries you to the bedroom, and then gently instructs you to get comfortable. As you luxuriously plop yourself onto the bed, he whispers into your ear, “baby, tonight is all about you. I plan on loving every inch of your beautiful body – slowly. And then, we will connect on a higher plane – together. The end result will be a renewed, amazing connection between us, and you will reach new orgasmic heights, guaranteed. Pay no attention to time. Just let me love you.”

OK, I may have gone a bit far on the monologue. I’m (not-so) secretly hoping that my fiancée reads this and takes notes. Regardless, men, there’s a new (old) style of sex in town, and it’s every woman’s wish come true. A prolonged sexual experience with focus on spiritual connection and increased intimacy, with the added benefit of an extended, game-changing orgasm (for both of you!), all the while maintaining nose-to-nose eye contact and breathing as one being – yes. Every woman’s wish come true.

The objective of the 6,000-year old Indian-born sex style is NOT the same as the Western world’s typical sexual emphasis on gratification, and sex for pleasure and recreation only. The objective of Tantra is for couples to engage in a communion of sexual intimacy. Tantra truly means “making love,” to reach new heights of closeness as a duo, and, allegedly, the outcome is an orgasm that generally lasts around 10 minutes! This is possible?!!?

Image via Shutterstock

Image via Shutterstock

Tantric sex is about love, trust, respect, affection, attention, caring about the needs and pleasure points of your partner – and apparently, crazy long orgasms. At first gander it is, as I said, sex for women, but only because women are generally more open to the meaning of spiritual love beyond the physical realm. Vulnerability can be a scary thing for men, but once they embrace the true beauty of HUMAN vulnerability, tantric sex is reportedly beneficial for both partners and for the state of their union. Men who are premature ejaculators can reverse this sexual issue through the practice of tantric sex, and can even achieve multiple orgasms without ejaculating. Because tantric sex lasts longer than the conventional sex that we are used to, women tend to be more consistently satisfied, since it takes us longer to have the ol’ ovens warmed up! Seems to me: best of both worlds.

And, hey, if none of this convincing enough, maybe this bit of information will do the trick: rumor has it that the artist Sting practices Tantric sex with his wife, and claims that it has helped his love and sex love tremendously.

Rumor or not: Sting, you’re on. I’m convinced.