The Last Movie Rented From Blockbuster Was ‘This Is The End’

Image via Flickr/ Michael Kappel

As the last remaining 300 Blockbusters close around the country, it seems fitting that the final film rented from the former movie-rental company was “This Is The End”—a film starring Seth Rogen, James Franco, and Jay Baruchel as they seek refuge from the end of the world.

“This Is The End” was rented in Hawaii at 11pm on November 9th, and the company held tribute to the moment by posting a photo on Twitter of the customer holding up the film alongside associates.

Seth Rogen also gave his input upon hearing the news, sending out this tweet:

After Dish Network—who acquired Blockbuster in 2011 during an auction after the company filed for bankruptcy—made the official announcement, #blockbustermemories became a trending topic on Twitter.