The Relaxed World Of SWUGs (Senior Washed Up Girl)


In the world of young adults, we all experience a moment of feeling incompetent or past our prime. Maybe you see your first bald spot, or for the first time you see the sexiest girl at the bar and your first thought isn’t “How can I work my way inside those tight polkadot panties.

It’s part of life to grow out of this stage (even if we don’t want to) and as you get older you realize there are other things to fill your time with.

Now imagine it’s your senior year of college; for most a time of constant partying as all the friendships you’ve accumulated over your time at college come together. That same you that would now passover that sexy little thing at the bar has been working on a hard six for 45 minutes just to make sure you can dip your dick in something before you pass out. We’ve all had nights like this, whether you’ll admit it or not, and more likely than not you wonder what the hell you were thinking.

Enter the world of SWUG, or Senior Washed Up Girls, a culture centered in prestigious college campuses Cornell and Yale. SWUGs aren’t easy to define and often they don’t share much in common, however they have created their own subculture within their college atmosphere. SWUGs know that they aren’t as sought after as their younger flirty freshman counterparts, and rather than trying extra hard to be desirable to the men at their school, they say fuck it. They embrace the fact that they are over the hill in college terms, so they really don’t give a shit about much other than getting drunk with other SWUGs and complain about how they’re so unwanted. Often, SWUGs will get together at beach houses and family getaways and  feel bad for eachother because men their age don’t want them, only to go out and hook up with a younger man several hours later. Apathy is the basis of the movement, and SWUGs find comfort in feeling bad for themselves and how no one else wants them.

Pehaps the funniest aspect of a SWUG lifestyle is graduation, because when a SWUG graduates her college program, she drops her mentality and once again becomes a sparky, flirty girl interested in things a SWUG would never take time to do.

Considering this movement has only been documented at the two “well off” colleges, being SWUG gives a very cool, hipster vibe as well as a reason for these priveleged girls to feel as though they have gained a worldly experience when in reality they have never left the comfotable confines of what they are used to. They feel as though by hitting rock bottom, they will boost their aspirations and gain self-confidence when in reality, giving up on life in your mid-20s is dumb. To a certain extent, men like women that aren’t constantly trying to be women. But to me, a SWUG is very much like a fat nerd that plays World of Warcraft 50 hours a week. It’s not attractive to never care, and only people that can truely commit to nilism (to care or feel nothing) can find happiness in this lazy lifestyle.