This Instagram Account Is Calling Out Rappers And Athletes Who Wear Fake Watches In Their Photos

screen shot via Instagram/ fakewatchbusta
Call him the “The Dark Knight of Watches” or the “Horological Batman,” there is one guy in Europe that is operating as a serious vigilante for designer jewelry.
Instagram user fakewatchbusta, makes it no secret that his mission is to call you out for buying or selling fake designer watches. The anonymous man, who has managed to build up a huge, loyal Instagram following (77,746 followers, to be exact) for his vigilante work says he started busting fake watches “for fun” but then found it “both tragic and funny” when people were bragging about their fake timepieces. Now he gets legal threats everyday, not to mention the risk that Instagram will shut down his account—again. Fakewatchbusta’s first account was shut down after he called out basketball star Carmelo Anthony. Other rappers on his list: Ice-T (and his son), Rick Ross, Soulja Boy and Sean Kingston. He told Noisey about how sometimes he gets a response from the celebs, but the truth is always on his side.
“I just busted Jadakiss and he responded that he didn’t buy no watch from that guy,” Fakewatchbusta says in an interview with the music blog.
But I found a video that I posted proving (he dealt) with him, and he even had the fake watch on his wrist. It’s all on the account.”
So, on that note: What rappers can we trust are sporting the real bling? Fakewatchbusta has a list for that,too.
“Meek Mill is genuine, 50 Cent is genuine, Eminem got one Rolex, and it’s real. Jay-Z is the one with the nicest watches. He is not into all the bling, he got some real quality high-end watches. He also has his own models from both Audemars Piguet and Hublot.
While he admittedly enjoys calling out celebrities on their crap and getting a few laughs, Fakewatchbusta says his work has now taken on a new meaning. He says his passion is fighting against the replica production industry for its use of hazardous materials and especially child labor, and it’s not just fake watches that fuel this economy.
At the prices they sell this for it’s not possible to [make these watches] in an ethical way and the working conditions must be some of the worst there is. Just buy a goddamn Seiko.”
Check out some of the pictures Fakewatchbusta has posted on his Instagram account below:

screen shot via Instagram/ fakewatchbusta

Image via Instagram/ fakewatchbusta

Image via Instagram/ Instagram

Image via fakewatchbusta