Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey Enjoys Taking Selfies
Just what an already self-absorbed population needs: the ability to post selfies on Vine. Thanks to the front-facing camera on smartphones, we’re already treated to a barrage of narcissistic self-portraits on Facebook, and now Vine lets users utilize the iPhone feature to shoot six-second videos of themselves. Sure, people could take selfies before, but they had to hold the phone backward and shoot blindly, so it required a lot more skill. With the Vine update, we’re sure to see an onslaught of everyone’s favorite subjects: themselves.
Take Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, for example. He started posting selfies to Vine shortly after the update April 30. And he hasn’t stopped. He started by giving a real treat with an up-the-nose shot.
The next day Dorsey posted another selfie to Vine. No nostrils this time, just a simple shot of him standing in front of traffic. Not sure what the point is here…
That evening we again see Dorsey, this time in front of a fire. Interesting shot, but what the hell, dude? I seriously hope you’re just promoting the front-facing feature.
On May 2 Dorsey demonstrated Vine’s new feature while driving a car. Interesting tooth pick in your mouth, Jack, but totally not safe, dude.
After the first few selfies, you’d think Dorsey was just demonstrating the Vine update, but they just keep coming. At this point, it’s starting to look more like Dorsey likes to see himself online as much as those teenaged girls who post themselves making smooch faces at the camera…