Twitter’s First Designer Announces Resignation Via Tweet

Oh, the times they are a changin’. It seems like just yesterday when we sent our first Tweet out into cyberspace. Now Twitter’s first designer, Vitor Lourenco, is moving on to bigger and better endeavors. Appropriately, Lourenco announced his departure in none other than a Tweet.

“Ev,” is Evan Williams, Twitter co-founder and former CEO, who replied with his own Tweet, wishing Lourenco luck and thanking him for his contribution to the company. Laurenco joins a list of longtime Twitter employees, including engineers Mark Otto, Jacob Thornton and Mark McBride—all who went on to new project—who have left the company in recent months. Some suggest the changeover is a sign the company is preparing for IPO. Twitter has also been hiring a slew of new employees, including engineers and design staff. Its San Francisco headquarters now boasts more than 1,000 employees; the company also employs hundreds more globally.

Will Lournco move on to a new startup, much as his colleagues Otto, Thornton and McBride did? He certainly has the resume to back his future pursuits.

“I was the first designer at Twitter, where over five years I helped change the way people communicate,” he Tweeted. “Now figuring out what’s next.”