Video: Polytron Unveils Transparent Smartphone Prototype

As if smartphones aren’t easy to misplace as it is, Taiwan-based Polytron Technologies has released a prototype for a transparent mobile phone. The product, made from Polytron’s Polyvision Privacy Glass, consists of a translucent casing, although some internal elements—such as the batteries and SIM card—remain visible. Still, the glass casing not only looks pretty slick, but is significantly lighter than traditional plastic or metal casing materials. The real magic happens when the device is powered on, however. The liquid crystal molecules activate to display text and images on some parts of the screen  while remaining clear in others.

The smartphone really looks like something out of a Sci-Fi flick—think Captain Kirk or George Jetson—and although there currently isn’t any software running the prototype, general manager Sam Yu says the company is already working with a number of well-known—albeit unnamed—manufacturers, telling MacWorld, “It will happen near the end of 2013. Trust Me.”

Sure, the phone may be a little harder to locate when it’s been left around the house, in the bottom of a purse or fallen off the bed night, but will you really let that stop you from owning such a cutting-edge device? Watch the video and you may change your mind.