How To Tell If You Are An Entrepreneur


As a young college freshman, browsing through the list of options in the university degree catalog, I remember picking my major using two distinct qualifiers. While you may think that I looked for something that I felt passionate about, or something that was a lifelong dream, I actually was much more simplistic in my thinking. I wanted something that paid big money and that sounded cool on a letterhead! That was it. No deep soul searching, no long journey to find myself. I knew what I wanted and a “Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship” looked awesome.

Fast forward nearly a decade later, and you will find me still trying to figure out what the hell I have gotten myself into. While most people have definitely heard the word “entrepreneur” many don’t know what it means completely, and even fewer can spell it without assistance. While I do not claim to know it all, I have come across a few key indicators that can help you decide if this awesome – but hard to spell word – entrepreneur, describes you! You might be an entrepreneur if you….

Think Outside The Box

You have to have the mindset that everything you see, hear, do, and experience is subject to change. Where many see a problem, an entrepreneur sees a money making solution. In a situation that appears to be finished, an entrepreneur will keep working until the idea has been recycled into something new and fabulous. If you want to truly be in this category of people, you have to be innovative, inspiring, and not afraid to say some things that will shock the average Joe.

Are Not Afraid To Do It All

While you probably don’t want to hear this one, it is as true as it gets. Entrepreneurs are not people who can afford to stay within the parameters of a “job description.” When you decide to go out on the ledge of life and business, don’t be too upset if you are the only one out there for awhile. If you have ever read bios of big players in the business world, many started out as, literally, a one man show. Some of my closest friends were CEO’s before they could legally drink, but they were also the sales team, the accountant, the marketing manager, the legal counsel, and they cleaned the toilets.

Can Take Calculated Risks

Most people don’t like to take big risks with their life, career, and their money. But, some have learned better than others how to repress this fear and summon the nerve to throw their dice on the table. In every game involving risk, sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t. A true entrepreneur will be able to manage the ups and downs of the unknown and take calculated risks. While some will play the game better than others, you can’t ever hope to win unless you are dealt into the hand.

Are A Hard Worker

If you are one of those idiots who want to be an entrepreneur so you can sit in a corner office and make everyone else do your work, you may as well quit now. Those who truly fit the model of an entrepreneur work harder than anyone else around. The hours are usually long, the pay can be lousy for a while, and you don’t have the luxury of calling in sick or punching out before things are wrapped up.

Dream Big And Plan Bigger

Finally, entrepreneurs are big on dreaming and planning. Whether they are sketching on a napkin while at lunch or jotting down taglines and ideas in a journal before bed, their minds seem to constantly be at work on something. Many projects may never get past the concept stage, but might lead down a path where another idea is waiting to make a huge success story. In my experience, entrepreneurs win because they are throwing a huge amount of darts all the time. No matter what the target is, if you use enough ammunition, something will eventually stick.