Infographic: Lack Of Sleep Can Kill You

As a writer, I can certainly attest to the dangers of sleep deprivation — at least in the short term. Sometimes — and other writers can probably relate — when I finally get into that perfect zone, it’s almost impossible to step away from the computer. The creativity juices and flowing, and I want to keep going and going like that Energizer bunny for as long as I can bear. And there have been times after a 24-hour marathon that I suddenly find my entire body trembling, unable to walk to bed, and I simply collapse where I am. I know it’s not good for me, but after reading this infographic below from Health Central I realize more than ever the risks of going on these days-long writing benders. Maybe I’ll think twice before I’ll do it again … although I’m stubborn as a mule when I get into that zone, so I doubt it.

Did you know that sleep deprivation can not only make you more anxious and depressed, but it can actually alter the activity of genes that control your body’s response to immunity and inflammation? Sleeping between five and six hours a night — instead of the recommended eight — can increase your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Even worse, lack of sleep can increase your risk of stroke, breast cancer, and diabetes.

OK, on second thought, I might reconsider next time I’m in “the zone” and want to stay up for two or three days writing some genius commentaries. That perfect piece of composition won’t mean a thing if I’m one of those people whose work is only appreciated after they’re dead.