Site Allows Ad Professionals To Share Their Work Secrets Anonymously


Those secret cock drawings were eating him alive. Thanks to the Creative Confessional, he was finally able to confess the secret illustration he placed in every ad he designs. The new Web site allows advertising professionals a medium where they can anonymously fess up to their inner-most secrets and shames.

The confessions are posted on for all to see, and hundreds of sins have been fessed up in the 10 days since the site launched. Although reading through admissions such as “I photoshopped helmets and masks onto copper miners. The ad was for the world’s largest mining company. The workers had been natives living in the jungle a year earlier. No protective gear was worn in the source photo. One of them was clearly a child (until the mask went on);”


and “When I say I can work from home, I mean to say that I work from home only after I’ve put a solid 6 hours into Skyrim;”

as well as “I think 90% of male agency executives are fucking creepy and need to stop looking at my chest.”


While reading the confessions is a riot, Creative Confessions keeps the readers more engaged by asking them to “absolve” or “condemn” each anonymous confessor. The total absolutions and condemnation are posted with each confession.