Tantric Sex Part 2

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After writing my recent article on Tantric sex, I decided to give it a go with my guy. We woke up one morning, and, as per usual, I attempted to friskily begin our day. Then, in a sudden desire for us to become a more spiritual couple, I introduced the art of Tantra. I understand Tantric sex theoretically – and spiritually – but I am an amateur – and as I’ve discovered, practical application is much easier said than done.

Firstly, you need to plan a Tantric date. You both need to set aside an hour or two in the morning or evening where you have nothing to do, devoid from the anxiety of time. Tantric sex does not really allow for spontaneity.

Secondly, you’ve got to assure your dude that Tantric sex is going to lead to an amazing mutual orgasmic experience. If you throw out the words “spiritual” and “connection” too rampantly, and too soon (as I did), it’s not going to work. What I’ve learned is that most good men are indeed spiritual – but they do not like being labeled as such. If you believe in love, you are spiritual. But, I don’t know, the word must sound too sissy or something. So stay away from that. Unless of course your partner is a hippie, a yogi, or a musician… (been there, done that). Good luck.

Thirdly, you should both consider practicing meditation or yoga before delving into this style of intercourse. You really need to be on the same page. For us it led to laughter, and an awkward straddle situation that began favorably, and ended hilariously. Granted, the dog was whining outside our door, I sequestered him into being late for work, and our house is not well-insulated from the noises of the neighborhood. You need to find a very quiet and sacred space, light candles – make it an intimate, uninterrupted, sensual event.

After further research, I’ve determined that Tantric sex is not something you can just jump into and try blindly. You need to communicate about what it means and slowly implement some Tantra into your lives – gentle caresses, sweet loving communication, gazing into each other’s eyes – before just delving in. Lesson learned. But I will say – I can’t think of a better man than a man who will learn Tantra to please his honey. That’s some real dedication right there.